The case of Robert Leone is making news due to a viral video uploaded to Youtube by Larry Hohol. Mr Hohlol was contacted by the parents of Robert Leone when their son was beaten by the law enforcement officials in Towanda Pennsylvania. This of course has divided our communities within the county but justice will prevail.
The video includes moderation by Larry this video shows a bit of the chase, the first of at least three beatings. It also contains audio that occurs after Robert Leone is placed in the back of the patrol car. This video is quite shocking visually as well as verbally. No matter what Leone did prior to the stop he did not deserve this.
Michael Knitner, of Waverly New York, formerly of Towanda, Pennsylvania took up the local charge after seeing the video. He rallied the people in support of Robert Leone by sharing the video. With the first hour a handful of people became enraged, they shared the group and the link to the video.
Knitner created a Facebook group called Freedom and Justice for Robert Leone, so the people could organize in their quest to correct the injustice. That group would quickly grow to over 7,000 people within the first week as word spread. Many citizens showed outrage at local officials for covering this up. There was also very deep support for what Knitner was doing as well as for Robert Leone.
A peaceful rally was held at the Bradford County Courthouse, on June 29 2012, where Robert Leone was tried two years prior. In attendance was Mr Knitner, Robert Leone's parents and over 300 supporters. Concerned residents held signs and brought awareness to the case.
As the word about the video spread, some citizens expressed disbelief in the video so Larry Holol uploaded the un-moderated version on Youtube. This version is much longer as it has the complete low-speed chase. This video after the car is stopped is not for children to see or hear.
Our community is divided because there is a massive cover up about the real issues. Many people are taking what the local newspapers are saying as the gospel. I personally encourage those people who do not support Robert Leone to watch the video.
No matter what Robert did prior to his run in with the cops that night he did not deserve what he got. The video says it all. Had a general member of the public hauled someone out of the car and did what those cops did, they would have been in trouble.
I wonder what kind of arrest sheet he had prior to this incident. Ot is compared to the Rodney King case but Rodney was wacked on some nasty drugs. No reason for what happened but I am still very curious. I wil say no matter what he did there was no reason to beat him like they did. Unless he was a child molester or something as abhorant.